Adrian T. Bell: Realize
Tuto kapelu a její skladbu Realize nominoval do Czechingu 2014 porotce Pavel Kučera.
Frontman populární post-punkové formace The Prostitutes loni vysypal šuplík nápadů, které se nehodily do repertoáru kapely, a sestavil z nich kvalitní a kritikou vysoce oceňované sólové album s názvem „Different World“. Angličan žijící již řadu let v Praze dokáže bez problémů organicky spojovat vlivy country, soulu i sofistikovaného popu, a oslovit tak i odrostlejší, poučené posluchače.
Adrian T. Bell and their song Realize were nominated for Czeching 2014 by jury member, Pavel Kučera.
Last year, the frontman of the popular post-punk formation, The Prostitutes, decided to look into his drawer full of unreleased ideas, departing from the band’s regular output. The result is his high-quality and highly acclaimed solo album, “Different World.” The Englishman, who has been living in Prague for many years, manages to seamlessly combine elements of country, soul and sophisticated pop, while also catering to the tastes of mature and informed listeners.