Tuto kapelu a její skladbu Giselle nominovala do Czechingu 2015 porotkyně Petra Ludvíková.
Česko-ukrajinskou formaci, kterou tvoří duo Tamara Shmidt a Aitcher Clark, charakterizují křehké vokály, klavír a experimentální elektronika inspirovaná moderní klasikou. Awali staví na Tamařiných vokálech a jejím stylem hry poučeném klasickou ruskou klavírní školou – to vše podpořeno Aitcherovou vášní pro objevování hudebních krás napříč různými styly. Tato kombinace oddanosti moderní klasice a Aitcherovy slabosti pro elektroniku dodává hudbě Awali zcela unikátní punc.
Aitcher měl dlouhou dobu pocit, že jeho hudbě něco chybí - jakoby se nikam dál nevyvíjel. Rozhodl se tedy důkladněji prozkoumat principy, na kterých hudba funguje, a začal chodit na hodiny klavíru k Tamaře, která mu vysvětlila základy hudební teorie. Po několika lekcích zmínil, že skládá a Tamaru by rád zlákal ke spolupráci. Hned z první společné session vzešla skladba, která jim oběma potvrdila, že přesně touhle cestou se chtějí vydat. Píseň později nazvali Gateway to Infinity. A jelikož na světě existuje nepřeberné množství hudebních inspirací, nezná ani hudba dua Awali žádné hranice. 25. května 2014 vydali Awali své debutové EP Breadcrumbs. Jejich regulérní debutové album vyšlo 25. února 2015 pod názvem Between Significant.
Poslechněte si velký rozhovor s Awali o hudebním workoholismu i inzerátu na výuku klavíru!
Awali and their song Giselle were nominated for Czeching 2015 by jury member, Petra Ludvíková.
This Czech-Ukrainian project of Tamara Shmidt and Aitcher Clark brings a mixture of soft vocals, piano sound with experimental electronica and modern classical music. Awali’s music has incorporated Tamara’s voice and her way of playing piano formed by Russian classical piano school and Aitcher’s passion for discovering the beauty of music through all kinds of styles. Together with their devotion to the modern classics and Aitcher’s devotion to electronic music, it creates their particular music signature.
Aitcher always felt that there’s something missing in his music and that it is about being a good musician. He produced nice pieces in cinematic style, but one day he realised that he couldn’t move forward anymore and he needed to learn how music works. He started to attend piano classes where Tamara explained the basics of music theory to him. After a few lessons, Aitcher mentioned that he was writing music and that Tamara seemed to be a talented pianist, so they decided to try making music together. During their very first session they created a beautiful piece, which made them understand that this was what they both were looking for. This track was later called Gateway to Infinity There’s such a huge variety of music in the world, Awali’s music has no boundaries or limits. On May 25, 2014. Awali released their debut EP called Breadcrumbs. The debut album Between Significant followed on February 25, 2015.
Don't touch me,
take away your hands,
I promised to myself that this will be the end
I beg you
to forget my name,
There's nothing left for me to say
I fall asleep in a dry creek bed
Cold heavy rains bring the water back,
wash the dirt away
take away the pain
let the river flow
let the flowers grow
Don't curse me,
I'm already dead,
Dry tears and prayers became my daily bread
Beasts are singing
me their lullabies
and softly brush my hair before sunrise